On our news page, we regularly inform you about new products, company developments and our events. We would also be delighted to meet you in person. We are regularly represented at industry-relevant events. Please feel free to make an appointment with us in advance of the event. We look forward to exchanging knowledge and networking with you!

23 – 25 May — MedConf in Munich — use our discount code
The 16th MedConf will take place from May 23 to May 25, 2023 in Munich Unterhaching. At the conference with exhibition, medical technology professionals meet every year for lectures and relaxed networking. Medsoto GmbH will also be represented again with an exhibitor stand. Managing director Sven Wittorf will give a keynote speech. Use our discount code MC23_MSSW_10% and save 10 percent on your ticket purchase — currently there is still the Early Bird price, so you save twice! Currently, numerous keynotes as well as coaching sessions are already scheduled, the complete program will be published soon. We look forward to meeting you and hearing what is currently on your mind and how we can support you.

27 April: After Work Polarion Insights — Testing with Polarion
Under the motto “from users for users”, the members of the Polarion SIG meet every two months in the format “After Work Polarion Insights”. The focus is on the exchange of experiences of use cases, questions and proposed solutions — practical, participative and solution-oriented.
On 27 April, Medsoto Managing Director Sven Wittorf will speak on the topic of “Testing with Polarion”. More detailed information on the topic will be available shortly here and on the website of the PLM User Group.

26 January: Medsoto Webinar — What can the Medsoto Advanced PDF Exporter do?
Do you repeatedly export documents to make them available externally or to store them? Do you need long-term archiving and want to optimise your export process? In our webinar on 26 January at 11 a.m., Sven Wittorf and Jacqueline Mangler will show you how to save time when exporting documents, create PDF/A exports with just one click and automate the export process.
Click here to register for the webinar
With the Advanced PDF Exporter, our latest extension for Polarion ALM, you can export wiki pages, rich pages, documents and test runs individually or collectively with just one click. Use the Advanced PDF Exporter’s clear UI, choose your own regulation-compliant watermark and decide if and when your exports should be initiated automatically. Medsoto’s Advanced PDF Exporter allows you to export directly in Polarion in PDF/A format, which has been specially developed for long-term archiving.
In our webinar, we will address the following questions, among others:
- What are the challenges of exporting documents?
- Which regulatory requirements for long-term archiving does ISO 19005 – 1 demand?
- How does the Advanced PDF Exporter work and what are the benefits of using it?
- How can document export be automated with the Advanced PDF Exporter and its Workflow Function
The webinar will take place on 26 January at 11 am and will last approximately 30 minutes. Of course, our team will be available to answer your questions in the chat during the webinar.
We look forward to an exciting webinar with you!
17 November: Polarion Autumn Conference — online
Are you a user of Polarion ALM? Are you looking for solutions to your problems and are curious to exchange experiences with experts like you? This year’s Polarion Autumn Conference offers you presentations and experience reports from users for users. This year’s conference focuses on “DevOps in adapting, deploying and using Polarion”.
Further information on registration and agenda can be found here.
From 13:30 – 14:20, Dr Janine Hofmann, QM/RA at BECOM AG and Sven Wittorf, Managing Director of Medsoto GmbH will speak on the topic of “Parallel use of Azure DevOps and Polarion — ensuring end-to-end traceability to test results”: Azure DevOps supports software development and offers all functionalities to fully map testing as well. However, the tool has weaknesses when it comes to exporting test results, especially when human-readable, traceable and long-term archivable documentation has to be generated in a regulated environment. The same applies to tracing the tests to requirements. Polarion ALM has clear advantages in these points, which is why many companies use both tools. In this article we present a project in which a seamless integration of the two tools was implemented up to the synchronisation of test runs and test results. We will first look at how the process requirements were mapped in the respective tools and what this means for the connection of the two tools. Finally, we show the solution that was created and report on the experience we have gained so far in this project.

3 November: Medsoto Webinar — What’s new in Polarion 22 R2?
In October, the second Polarion Major Release 2022 will be released. As always, our team is in the starting blocks to thoroughly check all changes and prepare the most important information for you. Sven Wittorf will show you the most important and helpful improvements of the new Polarion version in a webinar on 3 November 2022 at 11 am.
Sven Wittorf will address the following questions:
- Which new functions have been added?
- How are the functions to be assessed from the perspective of regulation in medical technology — do they make compliant work easier or more difficult?
- Which use cases can be implemented better with the new functions or at all?
- What needs to be considered when updating to this version?
- What is the impact on Medsoto’s tools?
The webinar will take place on Thursday, 3 November at 11 am and is free of charge. Of course, our team will answer your questions about the new version in the chat. We look forward to an exciting webinar with you!
20 October: The Digital Red Thread in Quality and Regulatory Affairs Management
At this event, Christian Johner and Andrea Seeck from the Johner Institute and Sven Wittorf from Medsoto GmbH will address the digital red thread in quality and regulatory affairs management for manufacturers of medical technology and products.
Registration Siemens Life Science Forums.
The focus is on the continuous data flow and the consistency and traceability of information and documents. Christian Johner opens the event with the contribution “Digitalisation and monitoring of standards” from the Johner Institute. Andrea Seeck picks up the thread and shows how the automated monitoring of regulations helps to ensure compliant products and processes. Sven Wittorf links this digital QM/RA thread with practical experience from R&D in his contribution “Integrating regulatory requirements into the development process”.
Finally, there will be enough time for questions.
15:00 – 15:15: Welcome address 15:15 – 15:45: Impulse Talk “Digital transformation of regulatory processes” — Prof. Dr. Johner 15:45 – 16:15: Industry Talk “Automated monitoring of regulations ensure compliant products and processes” — Dr. Andrea Seeck, Johner Institute 16:15 – 16:45: TechTalk “Integrating regulatory requirements into the development process” — Sven Wittorf, Medsoto GmbH 16:45 – 17:00: Discussion & Questions